Download Ebook , by Joshua Kern
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, by Joshua Kern

Download Ebook , by Joshua Kern
Außergewöhnliche , By Joshua Kern Buch wird ständig der beste enge Freund zu verbringen wenig Zeit in Ihrem Büro, Abendzeit, Bus, sowie überall. Es wird sicherlich ein ausgezeichneter Weg, um nur zu schauen, offen, sowie Überprüfung des Buch , By Joshua Kern , während weil die Zeit. Wie bekannt ist , begegnen sie sowie Geschick nicht ständig das viel Geld kennzeichnet zu erhalten. Die Lektüre dieses Buchs mit dem Titel , By Joshua Kern werden Sie mehr Punkte zu verstehen.
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Um zu erkennen, genau wie das Buch wird sicher sein, wird es mit der Effizienz und das Aussehen der Führung interagiert werden. Das Thema der Führung, die Sie wünschen, überprüfen muss mit dem Thema verbunden werden, die Sie benötigen oder das Thema, das Sie mögen. normale Veröffentlichung der Überprüfung wird für Sie nicht daran interessiert sein, auch haben Sie an den Händen gehalten in. Dies ist ein Problem, immer zu begleichen. Doch hier, wenn zu erhalten , By Joshua Kern als Empfehlung, können Sie nicht mehr belasten.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 2021 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 316 Seiten
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#117.388 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Pages upon pages of filler material paired with the ramblings of an angsty and mentally highly fragile teen. Calling this "the dungeon alaria" is like calling a book about a dude committing massmurder while eating the occasional cookie "the book of 100 cookie recipes". It just doesn't make any sense, like this book!
We have a good starting premise and interesting world. That gets pooped on by 2D characters, mediocre writing, and no real plot progression. Basically some young guy's whole house *poofs* into a new world atop a dungeon. Hijinks ensue. Why is this book slightly below average vs. the many other dungeon books out there?1) The hero's angst and mental issues. Every time he's faced with violence he gets all torn up over it and we have to suffer through a few paragraphs of his pathetic whining until he finally goes ahead and does the deed anyway. Total pacifist. On top of that he's got stated mental problems where he has to put bad memories into a mental room and lock them away. This seems a poor setup for his supposed mental magic that we never see any of.2) Inconsistencies and lack of believability that jerk you out of the story. Examples: Some things regenerate in his dungeon space, some don't... because "complexity". A princess happens to be next door that knows all languages and is allowed into his house alone without guard. Everyone supposedly has some kind of power, but we've only seem mages and the princess' talking power... nobody else has shown anything. The whole world is upside down but people just randomly decide to nap or call it a night. The king and queen are totally cool with their daughter hooking up with this rando guy that dropped out of nowhere and living in his house with no questions asked.3) At the end the author says he wrote this to facilitate a crossover to his "The Game of Gods" books and "might write another" if people just happen to like it when he gets done with what he's doing. I don't think that's good motivation for a book and it shows in the story, which leads me to the fourth point:4) No real climax or resolution. Problems are stated. Some bad guys show up and then moves a little down the road to a fort. Basically the world gets introduced but we never get going. This is about 1/3 of a book. If this was some book the author wrote that he doesn't even know if he'll revisit, you'd think he'd at least include an actual climax and resolution. Heck even a cliffhanger would be more than the intro we got here.So, good premise but fell short in the execution. Definitely below average, something more along the lines of an abandoned Royal Road story. That's my opinion having digested most of the dungeon books out there. Giving it 3 stars because the premise was good and if a sequel was ever published there's a chance he could pull this story out of the ditch.
It’s a good story with novel views on the dungeon. There are couple of continuity errors that had me backtrack to double check, but in all the story was well edited and a pleasure to read.
Really enjoyed this take on a dungeon core style. Lots of unanswered questions that have me craving book 2. Can’t wait!
Pretty good. Looking forward to the continuing adventures and seeing what direction this dungeon master goes to save the world.
Much like The Game of Gods set in the same universe some of the connections in this book don't make a lot of sense but again the story wouldn't work without them. I see some possible inspiration from a few light novels including some obscure ones, and some other books in the genre but that could just be apophenia. Despite taking place in the "same universe" as the other book it would be better to describe it as taking place in parallel or in an alternate settings of the universe. You can see where the books are supposed to connect and even the intent for them to be connected before this book was even written and even minor similar mechanics but the existence of this book opens up flaws in the other book and visa versa mainly involving dungeons, quests, and gods in general. They can however be fixed post script easily enough in future books eventually especially if the two story lines ever converge again, there are some very interesting possibilities involving the mysterious dungeon master in the other book and the characters in this one and we may very well be getting a look at the unintended future consequences of what the gods game could do to the world with the introduction of mana and dungeons. The characters are likeable enough and honestly i liked the inclusion of yandere characters outside of Japanese media. There was some conflict but it's usually resolved quickly and much like the other story there is no real final conflict built up for this particular story however it promises some in the future. The story is original enough to stand out and I hope this work along with the authors others get more attention than they have been are they are enjoyable enough to read in one sitting. I definitely recommend it.
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